JavaScript Template Literals – The Complete Guide

JavaScript template literals, introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), provide a new way to create strings in JavaScript. They offer a simpler and more readable syntax for string interpolation, multi-line strings, and embedding expressions. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about template literals, including what they are, why and where to use them, how to use them effectively, and when they are most beneficial.

What are JavaScript Template Literals?

Template literals are string literals that allow embedded expressions. They are enclosed by backticks (` `) instead of single or double quotes. Template literals can contain placeholders, which are indicated by the dollar sign and curly braces (${expression}).


const template = `string text ${expression} string text`;


const name = "Alice";
const greeting = `Hello, ${name}! 👋`;
console.log(greeting); // Output: Hello, Alice! 👋

In this example, the template literal includes the variable name within the string.

Why Use JavaScript Template Literals?

Template literals provide several advantages over traditional string concatenation:

  1. String Interpolation: Easier and more readable way to include variables and expressions in strings.
  2. Multi-line Strings: Create strings that span multiple lines without concatenation or escape characters.
  3. Embedded Expressions: Include expressions inside strings, which can be evaluated and included in the output.

String Interpolation Example

const item = "apple";
const price = 1.5;
const message = `The price of one ${item} is $${price} 🍎.`;
console.log(message); // Output: The price of one apple is $1.5 🍎.

Multi-line Strings Example

const poem = `Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
JavaScript is awesome,
And so are you! 🌹`;
// Output:
// Roses are red,
// Violets are blue,
// JavaScript is awesome,
// And so are you! 🌹

Where to Use JavaScript Template Literals?

Template literals can be used in various scenarios to simplify code and improve readability:

  1. HTML Templates: Create multi-line HTML strings.
  2. Logging: Format console logs with variables and expressions.
  3. Dynamic Content: Generate dynamic strings for user interfaces or messages.

HTML Templates Example

const title = "Welcome";
const content = `<h1>${title}</h1>
<p>This is a sample paragraph.</p>`;

document.body.innerHTML = content;

Logging Example

const user = "Bob";
const action = "logged in";
console.log(`User ${user} has ${action} at ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()} ⏰.`);

Dynamic Content Example

const username = "Charlie";
const userMessage = `Hello, ${username}! You have ${5 + 3} new notifications 🔔.`;
console.log(userMessage); // Output: Hello, Charlie! You have 8 new notifications 🔔.

How to Use JavaScript Template Literals?

Template literals are used by enclosing the string in backticks and including placeholders with ${}.

const name = "Eve";
const age = 30;
const info = `Name: ${name}, Age: ${age}`;
console.log(info); // Output: Name: Eve, Age: 30

Nesting Template Literals

You can nest template literals inside other template literals for more complex strings.

const user = {
  firstName: "Dana",
  lastName: "Smith",
  age: 25,
  getFullName() {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

const userDetails = `User Details:
Name: ${user.getFullName()}
Age: ${user.age}`;
// Output:
// User Details:
// Name: Dana Smith
// Age: 25

Tagged Templates

Tagged templates allow you to parse template literals with a function.

function highlight(strings, ...values) {
  return strings.reduce((result, string, i) => `${result}${string}<strong>${values[i] || ''}</strong>`, '');

const brand = "Nike";
const slogan = highlight`Just do it with ${brand}!`;
console.log(slogan); // Output: Just do it with <strong>Nike</strong>!

Expressions in Template Literals

You can include any valid JavaScript expression inside a template literal.

const a = 10;
const b = 20;
const sum = `The sum of ${a} and ${b} is ${a + b}.`;
console.log(sum); // Output: The sum of 10 and 20 is 30.

When to Use JavaScript Template Literals?

Template literals are particularly useful when you need to create complex strings that include variables or expressions. They are ideal for:

  1. Formatting Strings: Simplify the process of formatting strings with variables and expressions.
  2. Multi-line Strings: Avoid the need for concatenation or escape characters when creating multi-line strings.
  3. Dynamic Content: Easily generate dynamic content for web pages, logs, or messages.

Formatting Strings Example

const product = "Laptop";
const price = 999.99;
const formattedString = `The ${product} costs $${price}. 🖥️`;
console.log(formattedString); // Output: The Laptop costs $999.99. 🖥️

Multi-line Strings Example

const address = `123 Main St,
Anytown, USA`;
// Output:
// 123 Main St,
// Anytown, USA

Dynamic Content Example

const userName = "Eva";
const notifications = 7;
const dynamicMessage = `Hello, ${userName}! You have ${notifications} new messages 📧.`;

document.getElementById('message').textContent = dynamicMessage;

<div id="message"></div>

Advanced Examples

Template Literals with Loops

You can use template literals inside loops to create complex strings.

const items = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];
const list = => `<li>${item} 🍏</li>`).join('');
const listHtml = `<ul>${list}</ul>`;
// Output: <ul><li>apple 🍏</li><li>banana 🍏</li><li>cherry 🍏</li></ul>

Template Literals with Functions

Template literals can be used to call functions within strings.

function toUpperCase(str) {
  return str.toUpperCase();

const name = "james";
const greeting = `Hello, ${toUpperCase(name)}! 👋`;
console.log(greeting); // Output: Hello, JAMES! 👋

Template Literals for Generating HTML

const products = [
  { name: "Shoes", price: 49.99 },
  { name: "Hat", price: 19.99 },
  { name: "Jacket", price: 79.99 }

const productHtml = => `
  <div class="product">
    <p>Price: $${product.price}</p>

document.getElementById('products').innerHTML = productHtml;

<div id="products"></div>

Template Literals with Promises

Template literals can be used with promises to create dynamic messages.

function fetchUserData() {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve({ name: "Olivia", age: 28 });
    }, 1000);

fetchUserData().then(user => {
  const message = `User Info:
  Name: ${}
  Age: ${user.age}`;
  // Output after 1 second:
  // User Info:
  // Name: Olivia
  // Age: 28


JavaScript template literals provide a powerful and flexible way to create and format strings. They simplify the process of including variables and expressions in strings, creating multi-line strings, and generating dynamic content. By using template literals, you can write cleaner, more readable code and enhance your JavaScript programming skills. Practice using template literals in different scenarios to see their full potential and improve your ability to create complex strings effortlessly.

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