JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators (&&=, ||=, ??=)

JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators (&&=, ||=, ??=), introduced in ES2021, provide a concise way to combine logical operations with assignments. These operators simplify code by reducing redundancy and making logical assignments more readable. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about logical assignment operators, including what they are, why they are useful, where and how to use them, and when they are most beneficial.

What are JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators?

Logical assignment operators combine logical operations with assignment. They perform a logical operation and, based on the result, assign a value to a variable. The three logical assignment operators are:

  1. Logical AND assignment (&&=)
  2. Logical OR assignment (||=)
  3. Logical nullish assignment (??=)


The syntax for each logical assignment operator is:

x &&= y;
x ||= y;
x ??= y;


let a = true;
let b = false;
a &&= b;
console.log(a); // Output: false

let c = false;
let d = true;
c ||= d;
console.log(c); // Output: true

let e = null;
let f = 'Hello';
e ??= f;
console.log(e); // Output: Hello

Why Use JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators?

Logical assignment operators offer several benefits:

  1. Conciseness: Reduce code verbosity by combining logical operations and assignments.
  2. Readability: Improve code readability by clearly expressing intent.
  3. Efficiency: Simplify common patterns in logical operations and assignments.


Without logical assignment operators:

let a = true;
if (a) {
  a = false;

let b = false;
if (!b) {
  b = true;

let c = null;
if (c === null || c === undefined) {
  c = 'Hello';

With logical assignment operators:

let a = true;
a &&= false;

let b = false;
b ||= true;

let c = null;
c ??= 'Hello';

Where to Use JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators?

Logical assignment operators can be used in various scenarios:

  1. Conditional Assignments: Assign values based on conditions.
  2. Default Value Assignments: Assign default values if a variable is null or undefined.
  3. Boolean State Management: Manage boolean states more concisely.

Conditional Assignments

let isLoggedIn = true;
let hasAccess = false;
isLoggedIn &&= hasAccess;
console.log(isLoggedIn); // Output: false

Default Value Assignments

let username = null;
username ??= 'Guest';
console.log(username); // Output: Guest

Boolean State Management

let isOnline = false;
let isConnected = true;
isOnline ||= isConnected;
console.log(isOnline); // Output: true

How to Use JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators?

Basic Usage

To use logical assignment operators, simply place them between a variable and the value you want to assign.

Logical AND assignment (&&=)

let a = true;
a &&= false;
console.log(a); // Output: false

Logical OR assignment (||=)

let b = false;
b ||= true;
console.log(b); // Output: true

Logical nullish assignment (??=)

let c = null;
c ??= 'Hello';
console.log(c); // Output: Hello

Combining with Other Operators

You can combine logical assignment operators with other operators to build more complex expressions.

let user = { name: null, age: 25 }; ??= 'Guest';
user.age &&= 30;
console.log(user); // Output: { name: 'Guest', age: 30 }

Using with Functions

Logical assignment operators can be used to simplify function logic.

function getUserName(user) { ??= 'Anonymous';

let user = { name: null };
console.log(getUserName(user)); // Output: Anonymous

When to Use JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators?

When Simplifying Conditional Logic

Use logical assignment operators to simplify conditional logic and reduce code verbosity.

let config = { timeout: null };
config.timeout ??= 3000;
console.log(config.timeout); // Output: 3000

When Setting Default Values

Use logical assignment operators to set default values when variables are null or undefined.

let settings = { theme: null };
settings.theme ??= 'light';
console.log(settings.theme); // Output: light

When Managing Boolean States

Use logical assignment operators to manage boolean states more concisely.

let isActive = false;
isActive ||= true;
console.log(isActive); // Output: true

Advanced Examples

Nested Logical Assignments

Handle nested properties with logical assignment operators.

let user = { profile: { name: null, age: 30 } }; ??= 'Anonymous';
user.profile.age &&= 35;
console.log(user); // Output: { profile: { name: 'Anonymous', age: 35 } }

Logical Assignments in Loops

Use logical assignment operators in loops to simplify state management.

let users = [{ isActive: false }, { isActive: true }, { isActive: false }];
users.forEach(user => user.isActive ||= true);
console.log(users); // Output: [{ isActive: true }, { isActive: true }, { isActive: true }]

Using Logical Assignments with Arrays

Simplify array element assignments with logical assignment operators.

let items = [null, 2, undefined, 4];
items.forEach((item, index) => items[index] ??= 0);
console.log(items); // Output: [0, 2, 0, 4]


JavaScript Logical Assignment Operators (&&=, ||=, ??=) provide a concise and readable way to combine logical operations with assignments. They help simplify code by reducing redundancy and making intent clearer. By understanding and using logical assignment operators effectively, you can improve the readability and maintainability of your JavaScript code. Practice using these operators in various scenarios to see their full potential and enhance your JavaScript programming skills.

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